About LivenLab
LivenLab's primary goal is helping clients create new and unique digital experiences. Contrary to the trend of one-size-fits-all solutions for business and personal sites, we believe in customized applications that better serve the needs of users, business owners, and creators. Our developers are passionate about designing applications, researching new techniques, and delivering solutions that exceed our clients' expectations.
Our existing projects are coded in JavaScript, often making use of React. However, our developers are comfortable with a range of frameworks and languages and are open to exploring new ones as needed.
We work on business and personal projects; if you need software for reaching customers and managing operations, are in need of a personal portfolio, or just have an idea for an app that you want to see realized, we're happy to help. We can offer as much support as needed, from developing an entire application down to providing tips and guidance for you to develop your project yourself. If you are interested in working with us as a client, or you want to lend your own skills to our venture, feel free to contact us!